Saturday, July 10, 2010


On the way home today, I was thinking about stuff. And that led me to think about what I want. Therefore, I have written up a list of goals I want to achieve. I shall now reveal what's on my list. I know you are excited.

1. Be able to play Sonata Op.27-2 "Moonlight"1st Mov by the end of 2010.

2. Start studying and revising. Start on Monday, 12 July 2010.

3.Stop Singlish and stop swearing.

4. Swim once a week, run once a week, go to the gym twice a week.

5. Get rid of the fats my old self left behind for me.

6. Get a girlfriend by the end of 2010.

7. Learn Boxing after O levels.

8. Lower my ego.

9. Keep temper in check.

That is about all. I don't know if number 4 is counted as a goal or not because I have been carrying that out for 6 months already.

So yeah. That is about all I have to write about today.


Edit: Goal number 8, Goal number 9.